Saturday, March 28, 2020

Caltech Chemistry PhD Program

Caltech Chemistry PhD ProgramThere are many options for completing your Bachelor's degree in Chemistry at the Caltech Institute of Technology. You can choose between a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy.The Caltech Chemistry PhD program offers a specialized curriculum that will make you more prepared for a career in Chemistry. If you have strong knowledge of organic and chemical chemistry and you are interested in pursuing careers in the pharmaceutical industry, the doctoral degree in chemistry may be right for you. Some jobs in this field include: Laboratory director, plant geneticist, research scientist, and chemical analyst.Chemists and researchers are well trained to deal with the most difficult chemical problems. This gives them a very broad knowledge of chemistry. They must be able to develop advanced analytical techniques, conduct experiments, and interpret data. You will need strong analytical skills and the ability to learn new methods qui ckly.While completing your Caltech Chemistry PhD program, you will have the opportunity to acquire advanced training in various areas of chemistry including biochemistry, ecology, environmental studies, and engineering. Chemists may even work on research projects related to development of chemicals and materials that help humans.The curriculum in Chemistry is quite challenging, as most courses will take a substantial amount of time to complete. This requires that you take on several classes per semester. Students are required to demonstrate a minimum GPA so that they can continue their education and receive a university-sponsored job upon graduation.A PhD in Chemistry is not something you should do when you are only in the beginning stages of your career. You will need to complete at least four years of schooling and complete graduate level courses before you will be able to start on your research.Students who are planning to enter a career in the pharmaceutical industry are encoura ged to enroll in the PharmD program because PharmD students will have the benefit of receiving the same training and education that an Associate Pharmacy degree student would have received. Students are also able to attend classes without worry about attending a special lab or clinic on campus.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Online Tuition

The Pros and Cons of Online Tuition Many articles have been written about the disadvantages of online tuition. Parents and students have a natural tendency to assume that online tuition can hardly match face to face tuition. Our experience reveals that much depends on what subject is being taught, the age of the student and if the student has good organisational skills and self discipline. Below are a few pros and cons that we at First Tutors think are important points to consider before deciding if online tuition is the most suitable option. Pros Online tuition can be the perfect solution for older students who are comfortable with computer technology and virtual environments. Online tuition is convenient, it can save time, travel expenses and in some instances can be slightly cheaper than face to face tuition. Online tuition has been working successfully since 1998 with The Open University. Computer software permits users to record, save and access information at a later date. The whole lesson could even be recorded and kept on file. Students using digital pens can allow the tutor to see what is being written in real time. Parents feel calm knowing their child is safe at home, they can even monitor the quality of online lessons. Cons Online tuition can't substitute human interaction and observance of facial expressions in the same way as face to face tuition. Some complex subjects are more difficult to explain online. When teaching a young child how to multiply, subtract or similar, the tutor can't physically show the child with actions what they are trying to explain. Students will need to acquire new technical skills to handle frozen computer screens or server downtime - this can cause added frustration. If the student becomes frustrated or upset over a certain task, it's not easy for the tutor to console the student without being physically present. (again lack of personal interaction) Online tuition is on the increase but First Tutors have noticed that the majority of requests for online tuition come from older students - from the age of 16 and upwards. This does not mean that younger children cannot successfully engage with a private online tutor but we do think that parental assistance and guidance could be necessary to help the child overcome any possible technical issues. If you and your child are tech-savvy then why not try it out! First Tutors is primarily focused towards face to face tuition although online tuition is available from our registered tutors who have already received positive feedback from providing face to face tuition. This provides a certain peace of mind for parents and students approaching a stranger online for the first time. If you live in a remote area where transport is a problem, online tuition could prove to be a good alternative.

6 Tips for Effortless Language Learning with Foreign Movies

6 Tips for Effortless Language Learning with Foreign Movies We all love movies.And finding  foreign language movies poses no problem in the modern world.Were not cavemen weve got Netflix and Redbox.That means youve probably heard all the buzz about learning a foreign language through movies.Its supposed to be ideal for learning new vocabulary in context, understanding culture and all-around supplementing our language learning in an enjoyable way.Theres just one catch. After a while, watching movies in another language can start to become a chore.It’s happened to me a few times.My initial enthusiasm with starting a new language had passed. The first excitement that came when I began to understand some bits of movies had been replaced by irritation at all the bits I still couldnt understand.  I kept trying to push myself to watch more difficult movies, but every time movie night actually came around I found myself reaching for a movie in my native English.You know what the problem was?Foreign movie night had started to become Too Much Work.I t’s no wonder that I’d started to lose interest! For most of us, watching movies or TV shows is a reward after a long day of work. If we start to treat it like “yet more work,” then of course it’s going to become a chore.But, never fear!I’m going to give you 6 great ways to re-engage with your foreign movie night and keep learning without it becoming a chore. 6 Tips for Effortless Language Learning with Foreign Movies1. Become “That Annoying Person”Are you one of “those people” who sit through a movie and give a running commentary on everything that’s going on in the plot?If you’re not, you should be!Provide a running commentary.Providing a running commentary on a movie in your target language is a great way to get more engaged in the movie and practice your speaking at the same time. The more engaged you get, the more you’ll enjoy watching the movie.Okay, so this might be controversial advice, and it’s not applicable in every situation I wouldnt recom mend you start chatting in a movie theater for example.However, most of us watch loads of movies at home. When I’m travelling I often watch foreign movies alone on a computer. This is a great time to start chatting to the screen and getting really involved with what you’re watching.What to talk about?It might seem an odd question, but what should you say when you’re commenting on a movie?Comment on those things that interest you! The same things you would comment on in your native language.Personally, because I write short films, I’m interested in the “nuts and bolts” of a movie and its script. I talk about story structure and technique in English, so that’s exactly what I talk about in my target language. I practice talking about things that interest me.Maybe you prefer to predict what’s going to happen later in the movie? Maybe you like commenting on the characters, costumes or the actors?Whatever interests you about the movie, just say it right there when you’re watching it. Get a dialogue going with yourself. You’ll get great practice speaking about those things that really interest. The more you pay attention to details that youd like to chat about, the more youll be getting  engaged in the movie.How to avoid annoying othersPeople talk throughout movies more than you might realize. When you’re watching movies with friends you’ll often find that people add their own comments. It’s a communal act!However, in case you’re bothered about annoying people, these 3  tips can help:1. Save the commenting until you’re on your own. I don’t always talk when watching movies with others, but when I watch movies alone I really chat a lot. It allows me to try out vocabulary, and I can always rewind if I miss something.2. Only comment on “less important movies.”  If youve all been waiting for ages to watch this one special movie, don’t feel like you have to talk all the way through it, just enjoy it. But, don’t hold yourself back if you have a quick comment (as long as its in your target language!).3. Save all your comments for afterwards. Maybe you’re with a crowd that  likes silence throughout movies. That’s fine. Just wait until the end and have a good chat about it.2. Quick Tip: Write ReviewsOne quick tip to get really engaged in foreign movies is to write a quick review online after youve finished, in your target language of course. It won’t take you very long (between 20 minutes and 1.5 hours depending on your level of detail) and youll develop some really useful vocabulary to talk about the movie (and others) in conversations.3. Find Familiar FacesWe often think that difficult language is what stops us understanding a foreign movie, but it it’s only half the problem.One of the most overlooked issues when watching movies in another language is the difference in “cultural background.”Cultural knowledge can be much harder to acquire than linguistic knowledge.The culture that you live in currentl y or grew up in has given you a rich and varied set of life experiences. These make your view of the world different from the country in which the movie was made, even if you understand all of the vocabulary.Foreign movies often feel strange and unfamiliar because everything about the movie is new the actors, the “normal” home life of the characters, the locations, the type of humor, etc.Even when I watch movies from Spain, a country where Ive lived for years, I still sometimes get the feeling that “this is not my culture,” so I dont get as involved in the movie as I would if it were in English.This challenge can make watching foreign movies quite a chore.How to connect with the countrys movie cultureThe best way to combat this cultural disconnect is to get as involved in the target culture as possible.Here are 3  tips to connect with the culture and enjoy the cultural background of movies:1. Keep your movie choices consistent.  One of the quickest ways to feel familiar in the movies culture is to watch several movies with the same actors and/or director. When you start seeing lots of familiar faces or getting a familiar vibe, that feeling of cultural strangeness goes away.2. Watch movies set in your home country, or in the United States. Wherever you’re from, these days we’re all very familiar with the United States because of the far reach of Hollywood. Watching films in your target language with familiar locations is a sure way to feel connected to the cultural background of the movie.3. Watch dubbed movies from your country. Sometimes it all gets too much and you just need a “rest” from foreign movies. Watching a dubbed movie set in your home country is a great way to feel connected to the culture of the movie, while still learning your target language.4. Original Version vs.  DubbingIn general, you should be watching as many movies that are originally in your target language as possible.Original versions are better for a variety of reason s:You learn the real vocabulary in context.You get used to the rhythm of the language in a way that dubbed movies don’t allow.You have the added visual stimulus of being able to read the actor’s lips, which you don’t for a dubbed movie.You learn the culture as well as just the language.On the flip side, dubbed movies have some advantages:The voice actors sometimes (not always) speak more clearly than the actor on screen.The culture of the movie might be more familiar to you, especially if it’s a US import.The best advice is to “cycle” watching dubbed movies and original versions. Get the best of both worlds.5. Pick Movies by “Difficulty Cycling”How do you pick which movie to watch in your target language? Really, its going to vary day by day.Some days youll be thinking, “I just want to watch something easy and relax.I realized that on those days when I felt too tired to watch a film in my target language, I’d usually reach for the English movies. They were an eas y choice for my tired mind.The thing is that when you’re learning a new language, movies in your native language will always seem an easy choice. But it doesnt have to be like that.The three types of movie difficultyThe relative “difficulty” of foreign language movies comes in three different flavors:1. Difficult language.  The level of the language is hard for you to understand.2. Difficult cultural background.  The cultural background of the movie is unfamiliar or uncomfortable to watch.3. Difficult subject. The subject matter is harrowing and/or the story is complex.When you’re picking movies in your target language, try not to make everything hard for yourself at the same time. When you want to watch something easy, only pick a film that’s “difficult” in one of these categories.  If you’re feeling really lazy (it happens) then pick a film that’s easy in all of these categories, like a dubbed action film or kids animation.  This way, you can watch films in your target language even when you don’t feel like watching a foreign film.Not sure where to start in terms of difficulty levels? Try out FluentU.  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"including clips, trailers and behind-the-scenes commentary from your favorite foreign moviesâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.  Its there to help you discover video content thats perfectly suited to your skill level, learning style and personal interests.You can stop browsing Netflix and YouTube for decent moviessimply hop on over to FluentU for personalized suggestions. The site will  keep track of your viewing history and figure out the best routes to continual learning and improvement.The best part? Well help you learn how to actively study language through movies. While you watch your chosen content, FluentU adds your newly-encountered vocabulary to flashcards and a running vocabulary list, so you can always go back to practice even more.6. Watch “The Classics”In any lang uage there are “classic” movies which you have to watch. The best way to find these is to search for “top 100 movies in (insert language here)” into Google. Youll get the best results by searching in  your foreign language and reading lists on sites written in that language. Once youve track down a good list, pick a few to start with.Here are some of the great reasons you should watch the classics:1. They’re called “classic” for a reason. You’ll watch some wonderful movies.2. Each country has its own distinct movie culture. You’ll understand the movie culture in that country far more deeply than you did before.3. You can see whats popular. You’ll begin to recognise some of the best actors in that country.4. Everyone knows about them.  You’ll have a sure topic of conversation when talking to someone from the country.Now that you know all the joys and rewards of watching movies in your target language, pick a few cool flicks to start with and  get to learning!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What To Do In Babysitting Emergencies

What To Do In Babysitting Emergencies Basics Let’s start with the basics. Boo-boos (small): Small issues come in all forms, but small things like bruises, cuts, scrapes, all things of that nature come with the same ending. You may have a crying child or a child who doesn’t notice. If they fall and get a bruise, but you aren’t there to notice it, you may have a small issue if the parent sees it before you do. Make sure your eyes are on the child at all times, although children just like adults get random bruises out of nowhere, so just paying attention is the simple solution. As for scrapes and cuts alike, make sure to keep the child calm and clean the wound. When the parents come home, fill them in on the situation. Severe Choking: Make sure you are always aware of this. Children need to sit down and eat, not be running around while chewing their food or speaking to no end and accidentally swallow a whole piece of food/whatever they are choking on. The age of the child determines how you proceed. Babies need assistance differently than older children. Infants, when choking, can be helped in two ways. You can simply reach carefully in the back of their throat and take out the hazardous item, or you do compressions on their chest with only one of two fingers. Older children are different you can revert to the Heimlich, but not too hard considering the age of the child. Broken Bones: Say you take the child to the park and they go down a slide; you look away for one second and then hear a scream or a thud. You look back to notice your child is on the ground grabbing their leg/arm. Even from far away you can see something is off about whatever limb they are holding. You run over and go through asking them what hurts and can they move it. Regardless, your best bet is to take them to the hospital. And to of course call their parents. Make sure to be clear and conscience about what happened. Most children will be hurting and may cry for an hour or two, but personally I’ve seen them recover faster than adults. Getting them ice cream for doing so well isn’t a bad reward in the end. Extreme Finally, the extremely severe situations. Running Away: Some children go through their phase of thinking the world is against them, or basically all adults are. Most children have considered running away, but have never done it and probably don’t even remember thinking about it. On the other hand, there are those children that do act upon it. Ideally, most kids don’t exactly go very far considering they can’t get very far in the first place. A good number of children go to some place familiar, like a friends house or a park. If you notice that your child is missing, that is an extreme babysitting emergency. You need to call the parents immediately and start looking for them. Go to the place you think they might go first and then go to other places. Call the police while you are at it; though ideally the parents will probably do this before you do, do it anyway. Aside from running away, another babysitting emergency that is around the same scenario is … Losing a Child: This is different from them running away, because in this scenario they aren’t “running away” per se. Losing a child can happen at the park, the mall, or anywhere else where there are lots of other people around. It can happen almost as fast as blinking. The child gets distracted or even worse, you get distracted and they literally disappear within a millisecond. Look at scenario three  in this article from well-known website for tips on how to handle this situation. The job of babysitting is not as easy as it looks, because you personally have someone elses life in your hands. You have to make sure they are safe and cared for until their parents come home. If you can make it through these many things in the world of babysitting then potential clients will come flooding in if of course, continuing the babysitting road is what you want to do after the summer is over. Just remember, you can’t know if something is going to happen, but you can always be prepared for it.

Finding a Free Typewriter Tutor Online

Finding a Free Typewriter Tutor OnlineIf you're looking for a free typewriter tutor, then you're in luck. There are numerous of them online. All you have to do is type in the phrase 'free typewriter tutor' into your search engine and then you'll get a whole lot of different websites that will help you figure out how to find a tutor in your area.In English, learning how to write, talk, and speak properly is crucial to becoming successful in this ever-evolving industry. You'll find that many people who work in this industry have taken at least one typing class.While many have opted to learn on their own, you may also want to try to learn how to type by taking courses or books to enhance your skills. That way, you'll be able to write correctly when you're presented with an emergency situation. And if you're just starting out, you can rest assured that you'll be able to make mistakes when you're learning, just like everyone else.Finding a free typist doesn't have to be a big problem. It can be as simple as looking online for a trainer who specializes in a particular area. Or, you can also ask your home secretary, a school teacher, or a friend who already work in this field to recommend someone to you. This can be great for anyone starting out because you can learn a lot from them.That said, there are online communities where you can ask for a free typewriter tutor or you can browse online message boards. You can even access email lists to find the type of tutor who can best help you.If you're serious about your career as a professional writer, you will need to learn how to type properly to become successful. Even those who don't get much freelance work because they don't know how to talk to clients will still want to make sure they can converse with them using the proper punctuation and grammar. And, just like a true professional, you'll need to use a keyboard to do this.So, if you need a free typewriter tutor, you can either start searching or take advantage of on line resources and social networking. As you can see, finding a free typewriter tutor is not difficult. But before you decide on any specific service, you should also make sure you know what kind of course you want.

What Is a Magical Tutor?

What Is a Magical Tutor?When you play Magic the Gathering, a card game that revolves around battling creatures and spells, it is good to know that one of the things that you will be required to do is to sign up for a local mystic tutor. This tutor will help you learn how to play the game in the most efficient way possible. However, if you want to go a step further, you can also be taught how to handle your money with the best poker betting tips available.When you visit a mystic tutor, you can expect to learn all about trading and investing in Magic. If you do not have the required resources to guide you through your first few trades, you should consider spending some money to get the right help. But, as long as you are making solid investments and trades, you will be able to enjoy some profits in the near future.A mystic tutor will not only teach you about playing Magic, but will also help you practice your strategies. When you win or lose in Magic, you will need to learn how to deal with it. So, this type of tutor will help you learn how to handle your money in the best way possible. You will learn all about how to manage your cards and make the best use of them.The first thing that you should know is that you should never keep more than half of your wizard's deck in your hand at once. This is to protect yourself from getting the 'addar's ale' effect. This is a problem that some players get into, so you should be careful. While you may never actually see this happen, there is no harm in checking it out if you ever run into it.Playing Magic can be fun, but it is also not as easy as it looks. You need to be able to make the best decisions about your trade. You will need to take advantage of a few tips before you become experienced enough to accept the position of being a dealer or a trader. If you take these tips into consideration, you will be able to increase your chances of success and be more successful at the same time.What exactly is a magical tutor? It is simply someone who will help you with your first few trades. If you are new to the game, they will help you make the best decisions about it. They will help you learn how to handle your cards and make smart trades. This person will also teach you about the rules of the game and will also make sure that you are having fun while you are playing it.In essence, a mystical tutor is someone who will help you improve your strategy in the game. They will also help you learn about dealing with trades and to minimize your losses. They will make sure that you are having fun and will teach you to understand the rules of the game. If you need help with your strategy or you are looking for advice, this person can help you tremendously.

Some Calculus Help From SOURCE!

Some Calculus Help From SOURCE!In more ways than one, I have always liked the traditional Saxon algebra 1 for kids. Yet it has also been a wonderful aid to the students in imparting real learning skills. I used to make it a point to really immerse myself into the basics of mathematics before I moved on to other subjects.It had long been an obsession to me as a child to have them in my own little 'Math Book' even though they were not really meant for me personally. The problem was that I was shy and timid at first and didn't know how to ask for help. So to avoid this, I would have myself memorized all the answers to every problem in the text book even though I did not understand the answers.Once I became more confident with the math I was taught in school, I realized that there was a wealth of math I did not understand. This was then my desire to find out the answer and understand the answer. Then to discover how to help my classmates with the same basic answers to help them learn mor e, was my endeavor. I worked to prove math wrong and thus much better prepared to think like a math genius.From there, I learned algebra on my own as well as being introduced to the Saxon algebra by a teacher. My approach is to learn as much as I can about every subject so that when I am confronted with problems in math I can logically determine what the proper course of action would be. I use the subject's own language of concepts and strategies to make my own discoveries and my own discovery of math's language of symbols and concepts are the result of years of learning as well as experience. No one can do math like you can, and we all have limitations to our own abilities, but we must always strive to do better and learn from what we already have learned.I have always wanted to be sure I never lost my ability to love math and become passionate about it because it has always been something that has fascinated me. Just like reading a novel, all you do is observe and absorb informati on from it. You see, the more you learn, the better equipped you will be to perform the job your were given. It is such a joy to sit and read a good book, because you feel you can do better than the book or author.That's why I love to learn new math concepts and strategies and have a large collection of them at my fingertips. It gives me hope and inspiration for my career and for succeeding. It provides me with an opportunity to share my knowledge with others so that they can perform the same tasks I did at their age. The rewards far outweigh the price. Why not have your Saxon algebra ready when you need it.Those of us who know math the best will always need some extra help. Don't be ashamed to seek it out. Give it a try. Your life will be richer for it. Please consider all this and think on it.

How to Find a Geography Tutor

How to Find a Geography Tutor How to Find a Tutor for Geography Studies ChaptersDefining Geography TuitionHow to Find a Tutor to Study GeographyGeography Courses OnlineLet’s say you have a major exam on your horizon; maybe you will soon sit GCSEs or A-Levels, with Geography as one of your chosen subjects.Naturally, you would want to put forth your best effort in order to attain the highest possible results so you would seek out a private tutor to work with.That scenario applies if you are an undergraduate careening toward your end of semester exams, as well!The question is not so much finding a tutor to master geographic concepts with; tutors of that branch of humanities study abound!Your focus should really be on finding the right tutor for you: one who can work with your learning style; who is knowledgeable about the exam you will soon sit. You need someone who has a proven track record of tutoring success, as evidenced by previous students’ testimonials.Lastly but of prime consideration: you need someone you can afford.Your Superprof now takes mat ters in hand, directing you to sources where you may find tutors with the perfect blend of utility and affordability for any level of tutoring you may need.Geography, the mother of all sciences, is broadly divided into human geography and physical geography.Exams will test your knowledge on both of these facets, so any supplemental instruction you seek must be capable of addressing them.Another consideration for determining if your tutor is qualified to mentor you is his/her own level of achievement in geographical studies.Although there are no laws governing the tutoring industry, the firm rule of thumb is that your tutor should be at least one year more advanced in their studies than you are.So, if you, a GCSE student, have an older sibling who is at university, working on his/her geography degree, s/he is qualified to give you one to one tutoring.And you, in turn, could earn a bit of pocket money tutoring students who are less advanced than you!Cost always ends up as the last fac tor to consider in private tuition but really should be of prime consideration!Did you know that one in four students across the UK benefits from private tuition, making it a billion-pound a year industry?Some people will pay for the best whether it is warranted or not.For instance, concerned parents may hold out for a highly degreed, well-travelled geography tutor with an excellent reputation of helping their students improve their study skills... and pay accordingly.Does an A-Level candidate need a   £70 postdoctoral fellow to coach him prior to exams?While anyone is certainly entitled to hire any tutor they deem necessary, we recommend finding the best price for your home tutoring needs.To do so, you must factor in these variables:Level: tuition would logically cost more for higher level students than for those at the younger levelAge of the student: the younger the child, the shorter the attention span; KS1 students would benefit from shorter tutoring session, which means lower fees.Purpose: academic support tutoring and homework help are a long-term proposition; tutoring for exam preparation would be of shorter durationIntensity: general support could be provided once a week but if exams are right around the corner, you would probably need more than one session per week.Delivery: online tutoring tends to cost less than face to face tutoring. Also, if the tutor comes to your home, you may have a modest travelling fee added to your tutoring fee.Location: finding a tutor in a big city is easier, but such locations typically mean higher fees.What About Learning Disabilities?Autism, dyslexia, ADD... these conditions and others pose challenges to students and those who would teach them.According to statistics, the number of SEN students in UK primary and secondary schools totals over one million â€" 14% of the country's student body has special educational needs.Quite logically, caregivers of such students would want to provide their charges with every possible educational advantage, so engaging a tutor is not out of the question.The question is, though: is that tutor qualified to meet such a challenge? Does s/he has experience doing so?If you/your student is learning disabled, when considering a hiring a tutor, you should make his/her ability to work with your learner's specific disability a focus of your interview.Find out how to discern the cost of geography tutoring â€" for special needs students, by location and by their level of study!The point of a tutor search is matching the tutor's abilities with your needs... unlocking the right door, metaphorically speaking! Source: Pixabay Credit: QimonoHow to Find a Tutor to Study GeographyNow that those considerations have been outlined, the search is on!As mentioned before, tutoring in the UK is a booming business so finding tutoring to master geography concepts, one on one or in a small group, should not be difficult, right?Consider the wealth of methods a tutor has to advertise his/her s ervices.You may find fliers posted at your local Tesco, petrol station, library or community centre. You could also scan adverts in your local paper and on websites such as Gumtree or your local Freeads.The trouble with all of those outlets is that, most likely, you will have no feedback from previous students. There is little room in such notifications to list comments or even qualifications.Besides, how could you be sure the praise is from someone that person actually tutored?Select libraries and community centres around the country offer homework help run by qualified tutors.If your main concern is academic support, you may direct yourself there. Possibly, one of those tutors might be looking for one on one tutoring opportunities!The trouble there is that geography is not a part of UK schools’ core curriculum; generally, such free help is generally offered in subjects like English or math.You may hear of an available geography tutor by word of mouth: from talking to your neighb ours, other parents or your teacher.Of all the methods of finding a tutor mentioned so far, this one could prove to be the best because you are getting a personal endorsement from someone you know about that tutor’s skill in teaching.What if you want a more official presentation of geography courses?Tutoring services around the country have on staff qualified candidates who are ready to help students achieve academic success in all subjects, including geography.The advantages here are that the tutors have all been vetted â€" their credentials have been verified, and they have a stable of clients to prove their worth.There are downsides to this solution, though.For one, you will most likely be assigned a tutor rather than interviewing and hiring the one you believe suits your needs best.Another point is that you may be required to travel to the tutoring agency; some do not permit their employees to travel to clients’ homes.Finally, the cost of such an appointment would necessaril y be higher to cover the facility’s overhead.There are other options to explore...Speaking of exploring, discover all the reasons to study geography!The best part of working with an online tutor is that you can learn from anywhere! Source: Pixabay Credit: CunconGeography Courses OnlineThese days, more and more services are finding their way online and tutoring is one of them.This is the Information Age when virtually anything from friendship to free tutoring can be found online!Beware of free tutoring... assure yourself of its quality!Not only can you find qualified geography tutors online but you can receive instruction via webcam and, in most cases, pay less than if a tutor visited your home once a week!With online tutoring, nobody needs to be inconvenienced by the weather or traffic; simply boot up your computer at the appointed time and let the learning begin!All you need for online geography classes is a decent webcam and a quality headset so you can hear exactly what your tu tor is saying.Tutoring companies have made the leap to providing online services, though their costs may still be higher than other entities that have only an online presence.Of those, you have plenty to choose from, Superprof being an excellent case in point.Superprof lists more than 2,000 geography tutors; each one being fully qualified and well-versed in their subject material.You may narrow your search for the best tutor through the search page’s built-in filters so that only those tutors of the level, region, and price range you specify will show.With Superprof, your price range may be less of a concern seeing as the average rate for one hour of geography lessons is £11!Furthermore, many Superprof geography tutors offer their first hour of tutoring for free, just to see if you will be well-matched.Each Superprof profile page details specifics of that particular tutor: their level of education and teaching experience, whether they would tutor online or prefer home tuition â€" their home or yours...Best of all, you can see the glowing reviews left by that tutor’s former and current students!Be it for A-Levels, GCSE, at university or graduate level: private tutoring is a serious investment of time and money, on your part and that of your tutor.It is best to consider all aspects of engaging a geography tutor so that your student will succeed.Now discover the many career fields open to those with a geography degree!

What is a Growth Mindset

What is a Growth Mindset All You Need to Know about Growth Mindset Theory. ChaptersWhat Do We Mean by Mindset?The Difference Between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset?The Evidence and the Appeal.You may well have heard about growth mindset, the hugely influential new psychological theory from Carol Dweck. As an idea, Its influence can be seen pretty much everywhere â€" in the school system, in business, even in politics.If you haven’t heard about this already, then maybe it’s high time that you pay attention.This theory developed by Dweck, a professor of social psychology and developmental psychology at Stanford University, proposes that there are two categories of mindset into which the vast majority of the population can be grouped.These two categories relate to the ways in which people understand the origin of their ability. Those people with a ‘fixed mindset’ believe â€" whether consciously or not â€" that their ability is innate; that they were born with it. Meanwhile, those with a ‘growth mindset’ believe â€" again, maybe not consciousl y â€" that their abilities come from their having acquired them, and their being able to acquire more.This, quite simply, is the long and short of it. Yet, the appeal of such an idea comes from the fact that the growth mindset, as proposed by Dweck, is more likely to make you successful, less stressed, and more able to adapt to failure and new challenges.Think about it: success comes simply with a change of mindset.It’s this that explains why everyone is talking about it. And this is why you need to know about this idea.Find out more in our introduction to growth mindset! Learn to love learning with your growth mindset!Meanwhile, the growth mindset rather looks at intelligence and says, ‘intelligence can be developed; talents and abilities can keep growing â€" and I can acquire new ones’.These two mindsets define a continuum â€" a continuum on which we all sit. So, whilst we may have elements of a growth mindset in some fields â€" like, ‘if I practise my guitar I will get better’ â€" there are some fields which a fixed mindset is present for pretty much all of us: very rarely will someone believe that, if they try hard enough, they will be able to fly.However, some of us have more of a growth mindset, or of a fixed mindset, than others.The Effect of the Different Mindsets.However, whilst this all sounds super simple, the ramifications of this basic attitude to the source of intelligence are plentiful. Because whilst one leads us to believe that we can change ourselves, the other suggests that there is no real hope of that at all.The Fixed Mind set.From the fixed mindset comes the general desire to look clever at all costs â€" and to defend the ability that is already enjoyed and that is innate.As a result, people with a fixed mind set, according to Dweck, have a mental attitude that shirks from challenges and gives up easily when struggling. This mindset leads people to believe that effort is fairly useless â€" because intelligence is unchangeable â€" whilst criticism, however helpful, tends to go ignored.People with a fixed mindset tend to have an inclination towards a fear of other people’s achievement and success â€" as the success of others challenges the very notion of their own innate intelligence.All of this leads to a generally deterministic view of the world in which nothing can change and in which the lot that you are dealt is the situation with which you have to deal.Find out how to develop your growth mindset! The growth mindset can start in the classroom.The Growth Mindset.In comparison to this, the growth mindset is the inverse. People with a growth mindset, rather than a desire to demonstrate their intelligence, have a desire to learn. And this changes everything.People with a growth mindset face challenges happily as a step in the process of learning. Every setback produces greater persistence, a desire to persevere, whilst they are happy to take risks and to develop new strategies to overcome problems.Effort takes on a new importance in the growth mindset. As intelligence is something than can be endlessly developed, effort is the key to its growth. If you keep going, you can get there.Meanwhile, criticism and advice are accepted gratefully â€" and it is learned from â€" whilst the success of others is a continued source of inspiration.As a result, people with a growth mindset are thought to have a greater sense of free will. They have an attitude in which they can achieve what they w ant to achieve â€" constantly pursuing learning and growth and acquiring new skills.It is not hard to see which one Dweck might prefer…The Evidence and the Appeal.Over the last century, many people have argued along similar lines as Dweck. From philosophers like John Dewey, who argued that the self and its intelligence are in a continuous process of development to contemporary scientists and theorists who argue for the brain’s neuroplasticity. In all of this, the brain appears as something like a muscle, that is endlessly being strengthened.All of these people’s ideas give something of a defence to Dweck’s very popular theory of the mind. Yet, her ideas came out of the context of education.Her theories, for example, are based on a study that she conducted in which two groups of children sat a test. Following the test, in which all of the children were told they did well, the children were given praise.However, this praise differed between the two groups. One group were prais ed for being intelligent, whilst the other were praised for the effort they put in.They then continued to monitor the kids and their future test scores. The result was that those who were praised for their intelligence did not perform as well later as those who were praised for their effort.Praising effort, then, became the concern of many educators â€" and the growth mindset was born.Find growth mindset resources! You are never to young to develop a growth mindset.The Appeals of the Growth Mindset â€" and Criticism.It is true that mindset theory is one of the most influential theories of intelligence out there these days, having been used to frame, in business, what has been called an ‘entrepreneurial mindset’, and having been used to inform the way that praise is given and academic achievement considered in the education system.However, the rhetorical â€" and in some sense, ideological â€" elements of the theory might give it a greater appeal than it might otherwise have had.Part of its appeal comes down to the fact that it is, at root, very simple. It proposes a dichotomy of attitudes that are easily comprehensible â€" and it gives a quick fix image of success: to be successful, all you need to do is to develop a mindset of growth.Meanwhile, the growth mindset â€" emphasising effort and the idea that we can all achieve â€" is the scientific legitimation of a meritocracy, in which the suc cessful deserve their success and the unsuccessful deserve their unsuccess too. The world perhaps likes this theory so much because it tells them what they want to hear.